A. The Infinite Campus (IC) system has been updated to reflect an added security feature. The Security Settings were set to notify a user if the password being used for IC was breached on another website. Notification of a breached password does not mean your Infinite Campus account has been compromised; it is an indicator that your password was used elsewhere – – at a site that had a data breach. As a precaution and good security practice, the IC system will send the user a notification recommending they change that password. The IC system will not prompt (nor force) you for a password change. This is just a notification, but with a viable recommendation to change your password. You will still be able to login. Note: Changing your passwords on a regular basis (in any system) is always a good practice. If a user’s password is identified as breached, they will receive a Notification of this issue in the bell icon in the upper right of the screen.