Dear Shen Community,
This afternoon, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that the statewide mask requirement in schools will be lifted on Wednesday, March 2. Students, staff, and visitors are still required to wear masks indoors on Monday and Tuesday. Starting Wednesday, students, school staff and visitors will no longer be required to wear face coverings or masks in any of our school buildings or on school buses. Mask wearing will continue to be optional.
The Board and district leadership are keenly aware that some people will choose to continue masking. It is crucial that we respect each other’s decisions and continue to be cautious about close contact. People can wear a mask at any time.
A special, public meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Tuesday, March 1 at 6:30pm to adopt the revised mitigation and school reopening plans. These plans make clear the prudent changes to masking requirements, while keeping other mitigation efforts in place that keep our students, staff and community safe.
As always, we continue to work with our local county health officials as COVID-19 health and safety protocols evolve. More details and information will be shared and posted after the plan is discussed and approved by the board, as well as when the NYSDOH releases specific guidelines. Please use the district’s website, the COVID Corner, as your official source of information.
Committed to Excellence,
Dr. L. Oliver Robinson
Superintendent of Schools