Physical Education Department K-12

The philosophy of the physical education program is to develop physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthy physical activity. Shen’s P.E. program follows the NYS standards for Physical Education.

We endeavor to guide students in positive directions, enabling them to develop competence and confidence in their physical abilities. We believe this will give them the desire to participate regularly because it has become an enjoyable part of their lives.

A quality program of physical education for children has a definite purpose, has long term goals and is developmentally appropriate. In essence, it makes a difference for children that last well beyond elementary, middle and high school.

What the Research Says:

  • All children benefit from regular structured physical activity.
  • Through daily activity, children can improve and maintain the health and quality of their lives.
  • Greater amounts of physical activity produce greater health benefits.
  • Physical activity improves mental health and is important for the health of muscles, bones, lunges and joints.
  • Physical activity reduces stress, helps to control weight, and is a valuable use of leisure time.

Elementary Physical Education

All Shenendehowa elementary students receive Physical Education. Kindergarteners have P.E. one time per week for 30 minutes. Students in grades 1-5 have physical education twice a week for 30 minutes.

All third-grade students participate in the aquatics program.

All students must be prepared for physical activity and exercise by wearing appropriate loose fitting clothing (athletic shorts, sweatpants, wind pants, long sleeve t-shirt, t-shirt, etc.).

Students may not wear jeans, dresses, skirts, spaghetti straps tank tops, or dress clothes.

Students must also wear rubber sole sneakers with a back. The sneaker must be secured tight to the foot. Laces are strongly encouraged. Examples of inappropriate footwear are: heels, crocks, flip flops, loose fitting shoes, skateboarding shoes, winter boots, sandals, sneakers without backs. If there is a special circumstance for students to wear these items to school (school pictures, Halloween, class presentation, etc.), it is the student’s responsibility to bring a change of clothes and proper footwear to school on that day to receive credit for participation.


Middle School Physical Education

Students at the Shenendehowa Middle School receive Physical Education on an every other day basis (either on an A or B day) for a 40-minute period. All 6th grade students are scheduled for Physical Education in the Green Gymnasium (Gowana M.S. building) and most 7th and 8th grade students are scheduled for Physical Education in the White Gymnasium (Koda M.S. building).

All middle school students participate in the aquatics program.

Here are some important things to remember to be a successful student in PE class:

  1. Students participating in physical education class are expected to dress appropriately for the activity of the day.
  2. Athletic sneakers are to be laced and tied tightly. Skateboarding shoes, boots, slip-on and platform sneakers are not acceptable.
  3. No jewelry is to be worn during Physical Education class (i.e. watches, bracelets, rings, earrings or body piercing).
Excused absence from PE Class

To be excused from Physical Education class, the student must provide a letter from either a parent or a doctor stating the injury or illness. A student is only allowed 5 “parental excuses” for each academic year (not to exceed 5 days). According to regulations, students must attend and participate in physical education class even though they have a medical excuse (keep time, keep score, observe the class). A student must submit his/her medical excuse to the nurse prior to Physical Education class (before or during homeroom is best). The nurse gives the student a pass to bring to the Physical Education teacher stating the duration and type of restriction. If excuse is from a doctor, then the student must get a clearance note to be able to return to Physical Education class. All long term medical excuses are kept on file in the nurse’s office and sent to all Physical Education teachers by the school nurse every one to two weeks.

If a student is out of Physical Education class due to a medical excuse, they cannot participate in intramurals, extracurricular clubs and/or activities that are physical in nature (i.e., ski club, adventure club, bowling, team days, rope course, etc.). Nurses receive rosters for all clubs. When the nurse gets a medical excuse she can cross reference to see who is in a club.


High School Physical Education

A physically educated graduate will:

  • Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns to perform a variety of physical activities.
  • Demonstrate understanding of movements, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to learning and performance of physical abilities.
  • Participate regularly in physical activity.
  • Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
  • Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
  • Value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.

Students are expected to attend their assigned Physical Education class. Any student who has a music lesson, guidance appointment or field trip are required to make up their Physical Education class within a two week time frame. Students who are absent from school the day of their Physical Education class are also required to make up their class within a two week time frame. Any students who cut class will not be allowed to make up class and will be given a written referral.


Every student in Shenendehowa High School is required to complete two credits in Physical Education. To accomplish this requirement a student must pass eight semesters, earning a half credit per semester. Click here for NYS Mandate requirements.

Dress Code

Students are expected to dress appropriately for Physical Education class. Acceptable attire includes crew neck t-shirts, sweatpants and shorts. Athletic sneakers are to be tied and tied tightly. Skateboarding shoes, boots, slip-ons and platform sneakers are not acceptable. NO jewelry is to be worn during Physical Education class (i.e., watches, bracelets, rings, earrings or body piercing). Students are expected to follow the Shenendehowa High School Dress Code Guidelines.

Locker Room

School locks may or may not be assigned to students at the beginning of the school year, this is dependent on locker room assignment. In either instance lockers should be secured and locked before, during and after class. Students should not share lockers or give out their personal combinations to other students.

Students are expected to act appropriately and respectfully inside the locker rooms at all times. If students have issues, questions or concerns about locker room etiquette they should speak to their assigned Physical Education teacher.


A students daily grade in is largely based on class participation, effort & conduct (80% of a students grade). Students are expected to change out of their school clothes and into their PE clothes everyday in order to participate for class. Generally speaking, there are 25 class meetings within a marking period (quarter). Each day a student can earn up to 5 points.

Assessments are given every unit. These assessments, or tests, may be based on skill development or cognitive learning. Assessment grades will make up 20% of a students final grade.

80% = Daily Grade (Affective Behavior, Effort & Class Participation)
20% = Assessments (Physical & Cognitive)

 Medical Excuses

Physical Education is an activity and participation based class. Therefore, anytime students are not physically present for their physical education class they do not receive credit for the day. This includes legal absences due to illness, field trips, appointments, and band/music lessons. Students are allowed to make up any legal absence within a two week time frame. Students should communicate with their designated teacher regarding obtaining a make up pass

If a student is out of school for an extended period of time (more than two weeks) their teacher may find it appropriate to distribute written work to receive physical education credit. Assignments will not be used to make up classroom absences that are not caused by medical excuses.