Notice is hereby given that the Annual Budget Hearing for inhabitants of the Shenendehowa Central School District at Clifton Park, qualified to vote at school meetings in said district, will be held in the Gowana Middle School Library of the Shenendehowa Central School, Route 146, Clifton Park, New York, on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. prevailing time for the transaction of such business as is authorized by the Education Law.
And notice is also given that a copy of the statement of the amount of money which will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes and the Property Tax Report Card may be obtained by any taxpayer in the district on or after April 26, 2022, except Saturday, Sunday or holidays at the office of the District Clerk, 5 Chelsea Place, Clifton Park, New York, and at the Principal’s office in each of the school buildings, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The statement of estimated expenses for the ensuing year for school purposes will also be available to residents during that same period at the public libraries in the District (Clifton Park-Halfmoon Library, 475 Moe Road, Clifton Park – Round Lake Library – Round Lake, NY) during the regular hours of operation of each such library, and on the District’s website at www.shenet.org. The statement of estimated expenses includes a Property Tax Report Card and a statement of the total compensation to be paid to the Superintendent of Schools and any assistant or associate superintendents, pursuant to Education Law §1716.
And notice is also given that petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education must be filed with the District Clerk at Shenendehowa Central School, 5 Chelsea Place, Clifton Park, New York, not later than Monday, April 18, 2022 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
The following vacancies on the Board of Education are to be filled:
- 3-year term – Todd Gilbert Last incumbent
- 3-year term – Robert Pressly Last incumbent
- 3-year term – Deanna Stephenson Last incumbent
The candidates receiving a plurality of the votes cast respectively for the several offices shall be declared elected. Each petition must be directed to the Clerk of the District, must be signed by 2% of the qualified voters who voted in the 2021 annual election for members of the Board of Education, which figure is 56, and must state the name and residence of the candidate. Petition forms are available at the office of the District Clerk.
And notice is also given that the election of the candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education will take place in the Gowana Middle School Gymnasium on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. prevailing time.
And notice is also given that voting upon the amount of monies which will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes exclusive of public monies, shall take place in the Gowana Middle School Gymnasium on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. prevailing time.
And notice is also given that the voting upon the following propositions shall take place in the Gowana Middle School Gymnasium on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. prevailing time.
RESOLVED: That the Board of Education of Shenendehowa Central School District is hereby authorized to expend the total amount of _________ during the 2022-2023 school year and to levy the necessary tax therefor.
RESOLVED: That the Board of Education of the Shenendehowa Central School District, Saratoga County, New York, is hereby authorized to acquire buses and a multi-purpose maintenance vehicle at an estimated aggregate cost not to exceed One Million Six Hundred Seventy-seven Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Dollars ($1,677,840) and that such sum or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be raised by the levy of a tax to be collected in annual installments with such tax to be partially offset by state aid available therefor; and, in anticipation of such tax, debt obligations of the school district as may be necessary not to exceed such estimated maximum aggregate cost shall be issued, or the School District may enter into an installment purchase contract if the Board of Education determines that it is in the best interest of the School District to finance the purchase in that method.
Notice is also given that applications for absentee ballots for election of Board members and the two propositions may be applied for at the office of the District Clerk weekdays between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. A list of all persons to whom absentee ballots shall have been issued will be available in the office of the District Clerk on each of the five days prior to the day of the annual meeting and election, except Saturday and Sunday, and will also be posted at the polling place for the election of members of the Board of Education. Voting at the aforesaid election to be conducted on May 17, 2022, shall be by ballot registered upon voting machines and absentee ballots, and the polls shall be kept open from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. prevailing time.
By Order of the Board of Education
Signed (Original) Kathleen A. Wetmore-Chase
District Clerk
Shenendehowa Central School District at Clifton Park
Saratoga County, New York
Dated March 22, 2022
Kathleen A. Wetmore-Chase
Clerk of the Board