
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has launched a campaign to remind drivers of the dangers of illegally passing a stopped school bus. The campaign features two new videos — Stop Means Stop and Don’t Be This Driver — intended to emphasize the fact that the greatest risk to a child isn’t riding in a bus, but approaching or leaving one.

About Us

Shenendehowa buses travel more than 2.1 million miles a year. It takes a staff of approximately 250 people to drive and maintain our fleet of approximately 200 buses. Bus transportation is available to ALL students who attend Shenendehowa. Late buses are provided for middle and high school students who stay after school for activities. See Board Policy 5710.

Shenendehowa Transportation is hiring Bus Drivers

You start as a substitute and then (if you want) you can get permanent work as shifts become available. This job rarely becomes full time (40 hours) but when you get permanent work of 20 hours a week, you get health, dental, vision, state retirement, etc. benefits. Starting wage is $20+ for substitutes. Shen provides the training. If you want more info, 518-881-0240.

Bus Stops

  • Families are notified of bus stops and approximate pick-up and drop-times by mail in August.
  • Students must use the assigned bus stop as designated by the school district.
  • Students should be at their bus stop at least 10 minutes early.
  • Parents/guardians are responsible for the behavior and safety of their students at the bus stop until they enter the bus and after they depart the bus.
  • Requests for bus stop changes will be made for legitimate safety concerns. All other bus stop change requests may be submitted on a bus stop change request to be evaluated by the Routing Department. Bus stop change request form.

Bus Ride

Our bus routes are developed as efficiently as possible. On average our buses pick up 65 students, sometimes making as many as 25 stops. Because of this, ride time can vary depending on the school and pick up area. If you feel your child’s ride is too long, please submit a letter to the transportation department and your concern will be evaluated by the routing department.

Transportation to and from a child care facility

This is available consistent with Board of Education policy 5710. Once you apply for alternate transportation, you will not be asked to re-apply for this service unless there is a change from the arrangements in place. Alternate transportation arrangements are not carried over for students entering first, sixth and ninth grades. A new alternate transportation form will need to be submitted for these transitional years. Alternate transportation form (BOE 5710F2) is used for parents to request that their child is picked up or dropped off at a childcare location. This form is available on this website or by contacting the Pupil Transportation Offices. Forms can be e-mailed to


Shenendehowa Transportation Department’s Kindergarten Orientation Video

Late Bus Routes After School

Late Buses leave from High School East at 4:00 . They then proceed to High School West and then the Koda/Acadia bus port. They are then scheduled to leave that bus port at 4:15. Late Buses will run on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week. All students who ride a late bus must have a late bus pass filled out by school personnel. Late buses are available for students who are staying after school for a school approved activity.

Late routes are not set routes, they serve a geographical location based on which students have opted to ride. Late route drivers determine the best drop off for students which means students are usually required to walk a longer distance from the bus stop to home on late bus routes. Students may not be dropped off at their normal bus stops.

Please click the appropriate link below for a listing of the late route areas.


Riding Other Buses/Bus Passes

There are numerous factors to consider before a student is allowed to ride a bus other than their assigned one, or get off at a different stop. The student must be staying after for a school-approved reason.

  • The requested bus stop needs to be an established stop.
  • There needs to be adequate space on the bus for guest students.
  • A student always needs a bus pass that is issued by their school to present to the bus driver. This pass must list the student name, bus stop location, and bus route.
  • The Transportation Department does not transport students to different locations for afterschool “playdates.”
  • The Transportation Department does not drop students at places of business ( example- after school jobs or the YMCA for membership holders)
  • If a family is experiencing a ‘daycare emergency’, a bus pass can be issued at the discretion of the school Principal.


What can be brought on the bus?

New York State Department of Transportation and federal regulations PROHIBIT bringing large items and musical instruments on school buses. All of the items that the child will be bringing to school should be packed in a carrying case, such as a tote bag or backpack, which must be small enough to be held on the student’s lap. Large items and food for class parties may not be transported by school bus.

The following items are examples of what is allowed on the bus if held on lap:

  • Piccolo, oboe, flute, soprano clarinet, bassoon, snare drum, alto saxophone, French horn, trombone, trumpet, violin, and viola.
  • Lacrosse sticks that are less than 44 inches in length are allowed on the bus so long as they are carried inside a carrying bag/case. Lacrosse sticks that are larger than 44 inches are not allowed on the bus, parents should make other arrangements for transportation.
  • Soccer balls, basketballs, baseballs, softballs or any other type of balls are not allowed on the bus unless they are secured inside a backpack or sports bag.

Large items are not allowed on the bus – these include, but are not limited to: Alto clarinet, bass clarinet, contra bass clarinet, baritone saxophone, cello, guitar, tenor saxophone, tuba, baritone horn, string bass, large school projects, skateboards, bikes, fishing poles, skis and poles, and sleds.

Other items not allowed on the bus. These include, but are not limited to: Any weapons, pets or any live animals, glass containers, and aerosol cans.

Lost and found procedures

There are many items left on school buses every day. Reasonable efforts will be made to contact the parent so the item can be picked up. Items may be picked up or looked for in the main transportation office between 6:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Monday-Friday with limited hours during school breaks. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ITEMS WITH A NAME AND PHONE NUMBER ON THEM ARE EASY TO GET BACK TO THEIR OWNERS.

  • Clothing items will be kept on the bus for two days. This will give students a chance to retrieve the item directly from the bus driver. After the second day, the item will be placed in the lost and found area in the transportation department. Clothing not claimed after approximately two weeks will be disposed of.
  • Electronic items and other valuables will be brought to the transportation main office and be available for pickup. Every reasonable effort will be made to contact the owner of the item.
  • The transportation department is not responsible for lost items.

Medical Conditions/Injury or temporary medical conditions

A student’s medical condition should be reported to the school nurse as well as the director of transportation. If the medical condition should change, this should also be reported to the director of transportation. Student records will be kept confidential with information shared only on a “need to know” basis.

Requests for special transportation due to an injury or other medical condition must be accompanied by detailed instructions from the student’s physician. These instructions should include the exact needs and expected duration of the special busing request. Special busing is subject to approval by the Director of Transportation or designee.