Gowana Middle School
- We’re Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence this May 17, 2025! Save the date for our upcoming Shen Anniversary Celebration! Click here to learn more!
- Gowana and Koda students were recognized by the Clifton Park Veterans of Foreign War Post #1498 for their winning entries in the regional Patriots’ Pen Essay Contest!
- Gowana 6th graders learn about Ancient Egypt in the Gowana Library!
- 7th graders enjoy reading at the Gowana Library.
- Congrats to FLL Qualifier Champions – Ctrl+Alt+Elite and Data Deleted (click to learn more)!
- The Special Olympics invited our Middle School Unified PE students to participate in an activity of reaching out to people that they were thankful for in the area of inclusion.
- The FLL Robotics Qualifier went great! Both of Shen’s middle school teams were recognized for special awards AND qualified to advance to the Championship tournament at RPI.
- Tech 6 students creating their dream bedroom using Tinkercad!
- 7th Grade Gowana Students attended The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical at The Theatre Institute and lunch in the dining hall at Russell Sage College.
Three seats on Shenendehowa’s Board of Education are up for election on May 20, 2025– each carry a three-year term. The deadline for petitions is April 21 at 5pm (click to learn more).
In honor of Shenendehowa’s 75th Anniversary we are assembling an Alumni Choir to perform at the Celebration Events! If you are an alum of Shen and sang in any Choir, or are a current or retired Shen Music teacher, please consider signing up and joining us in celebration (click to learn more)!
NOTICE TO PARENTS OF STUDENTS ATTENDING NON-PUBLIC SCHOOLS – Parents of students living in the Shenendehowa Central School District seeking transportation for their children who will attend a non-public school next year must submit a written request by April 1 2025. (click to learn more!)
The 2023-2025 National PTA Schools of Excellence have been announced and Gowana Middle School and Shenendehowa High School are on the list (click to learn more)!
Welcome to Gowana Middle School
Gowana is one of three middle schools located on the main campus. It opened in 1953. The three middle schools buildings are attached and share core areas such as gym, libraries, etc., however, they function as separate schools.
The faculty, staff, students, parents and community of Gowana Middle School believe that student achievement is our most important goal. Our mission is to inspire each student to strive for success academically, artistically, and athletically while promoting positive growth in social behaviors and attitudes and recognizing the uniqueness of each individual.
Start & Dismissal Times:
School starts at 8:55 a.m.
School is dismissed at 3:30 p.m.
Half day dismissal at 12:17 p.m.
Key Phone Numbers:
- Attendance: (518)881-0468
- Nurse: (518)881-0461
- Counseling Center: (518)881-0463