- If non-consumable school supplies are to be purchased and provided by the district, how are the elementary schools able to require the purchase of scissors and headphones?
A. Schools should not be requesting scissors. If they did, notify your principal. The district recognizes the need to request that parents/students purchase special, personal items. Headphones fall in the personal category.
Grapevine and PlainFacts Archives – Policies
Latest Grapevine and PlainFacts Posts - Policies:
- Would I get in trouble if I downloaded a vpn onto my chrombook? If so how much?
A. VPNs are prohibited on the district network for all devices. Discipline is progressive and administered by building administration pursuant to the student code of conduct and acceptable use policy.
- what information about discipline action by law are you actually allowed to give out
A. None, other than to say that discipline occurred.
- How long does Shen keep transcripts for former students? I heard that some schools are required to keep transcripts forever while some are not.
A. We keep and have all of them on microfilm.
- As a student, I find it extremely inappropriate for teachers to speak about their political opinions to their classes. I am in full support of students partaking in political conversations and debates among themselves, in class or in the halls… but when teachers decide to push their opinions down the students throats, it limits the students opportunity for free thought, free speech, and a safe space. A school is a learning environment, not one to feel embarrassed for your political views. Teachers can express their views at home, but their job is a professional place where they help students learn to form their own opinions. Today, my English teacher and my French teacher both were expressing their political views in class and the whole class felt uncomfortable. Please, make this stop! It’s seriously unprofessional for a school environment! Thank you!
A. “Employees may not use their office, classrooms, school facilities or school equipment as a means to promote personal political views and beliefs, however, teachers are encouraged to address issues of current events of instructional and informational value to students.” Please see Board of Education Policy 6193: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IYU6Dei8YLG8wyawzZ6dtQqj7ETafRtxSRlH8vdb8JQ/view.
- Please, please, please institute a policy banning oil diffusers from classrooms and offices. They agitate asthma, cause headaches, and smell gross. Pumping perfume into the air in a closed classroom/office makes some people sick. It is not necessary and there is no science that proves it helps students learn.
A. These are not allowed in classrooms or offices. If you have a concern, please let your principal know.
- What is the school policy related to dogs on campus? At school activities outside, at drop off or pick up, sporting events etc. For parents of students and employees… I am not referring to certified service dogs or therapy dogs. Thank you.
A. We have two policies: one is for use of animals for instructional purposes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dLwdkMiRriipT68r7qwBtT2YHwltfJSPHzbqLBkV-Kw/view. The other is for pets on school grounds https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RQ3APoYV0U0OAhSwMb-a7qLx_2kzFgmtelSZTxxKnA4/view
- Here’s an idea: How about instead of teaching girls to cover up their bodies because it might distract boys, teach boys to be decent human beings and control themselves. If someone in the school can’t handle seeing a bra strap or a belly button without freaking out, that is their own fault. Dress codes teach underage girls that their bodies are inherently sexual, and that rather than wearing what is comfortable for them (especially when it’s hot outside), they should cover up so as not to disrupt the learning process of some out of control teenage boys. I am sixteen years old. The sexualization of my body isn’t my fault. It’s the fault of whoever failed to teach these people to be respectful and decent to women. Just a thought as we head into the summer season.
A. Keep in mind that boy’s undergarments are not allowed r to show and they have to wear shirts to cover their body as well. Boys would also not be allowed to wear really short shorts either.
- I am shocked that my child sings such religious songs in high school east chorus and choraliers. Is there not some guidelines to restrict singing about such Christian music?
A. BOE policy 8360 speaks to religious content in schools. In accordance with that policy, religious music may be taught for it’s musical value as long as criteria attached to 8360 is satisfied. Vivaldi’s Gloria, which was performed at the most recent HS choral concert, is standard high school choral repertoire and exposed students to […]
- Does shen have the power to search kids cellphones when taken?
A. In accordance with the code of conduct 4410R – If a cell phone is used, activated or displayed at an unauthorized time, the student may be subject to disciplinary measures pursuant to the Code of Conduct. If the building administrator confiscates a student’s cell phone, it must be turned off and stored in the […]
- Isn’t it a fire hazard for teachers to lock classrooms doors.
A. Locking doors is to prevent someone from entering the classrooms. However, to comply with fire codes, the doors allow teachers and students to open from the inside at any time in order to leave.
- Why does BOE Policy 7315R (Athletic code of conduct) prohibit tobacco products but not vapes, juul, e-cig etc?
A. Vapes, vaporizers, vape pens, hookah pens, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes or e-cigs), and e-pipes are some of the many terms used to describe electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). ENDS are noncombustible tobacco products.
- Where was the moment of silence this morning on the announcements for the 49 killed and 40 dead in a mosque shooting in New Zealand? Why were the flags not at half mast?
A. FLYING THE FLAG AT HALF-STAFF: The pertinent section of the Flag Code says, “by order of the President, the flag shall be flown at half-staff upon the death of principal figures of the United States Government and the Governor of a State or territory, as a mark of respect to their memory. Governors of […]
- What is Shen’s process to check the applications submitted by family members who wish to come into schools to volunteer? I am concerned, as one volunteer in my daughter’s class has a criminal background, but did not report it on his/her volunteer form. This leads me to believe that there is no process to check on people coming into school, and unless another parent or someone who knows the volunteer or his/her background, there is no safety net. This is extremely concerning, as Shen constantly talks about keeping its students safe. Please do not tell me to discuss with the principal of my school. It goes much further than that and is an issue that affects all schools. So does Shen use any agency/process to check on its volunteers?
A. In accordance with Policy 3150/3150R, any volunteer must fill out a Volunteer Form 3150F. Once the form is completed, approval by the school principal or designee must be made prior to volunteering in the school. This requirement needs to be completed annually. In the event the volunteer answers “yes” to any of the questions, […]
- Are off the shoulder shirts against the middle school dress code?
A. According to the dress code students shall not wear garments that are revealing or see-through (including those that expose one’s midriff or otherwise potentially expose private parts of the body, such as tube tops and halters. With that being said, the dress code is subject to interpretation. My suggestion is this…if you question it, […]
- Are teachers allowed to assign homework over week-long breaks from school? Kinda defeats the purpose of a break
A. According to BOE 8440R – Assignment of Homework Policy/Regulation: Assignments over vacation periods should be rare and limited to projects that began in advance of the break period and extend beyond the break period. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i8H0WVYEfbaAUrZTsOSBMG-ERskS5o3IQ_ZxBJy3bPQ/view
- If a student is online schooled, but lives in the area of shen, are they allowed to do shen sports?
A. No. Please see BOE Policy 8470R: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pHtQu_2MPvjy8NNmxZDcHi_NFbbW9KljuSMRP6_r3FI/view
- Can you wear clothing that has the confederate flag on it?
A. According the dress code in the Code of Conduct (BOE Regulation 4410R)…In order to promote and foster a culturally proficient school environment preserving respect, dignity, and civility, students shall not wear or display racially or ethnically provocative or divisive symbols or items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous, or denigrate others because of race, color, […]
- I have never commented on a staff members clothing choice, but a photo posted on Facebook showing a teacher whose shorts are far too short; in fact they would not comply with the student dress code, much less the staff dress code. The employees should model proper attire for the students, and her choice was not proper.
A. The Code of Conduct specifically states: Staff members are expected to model appropriate dress and decorum, recognizing the significant role and impression they have on students.
- I do not understand why there is a policy that allows people to not stand for the pledge. This is extremely disrespectful to the country. Just because you “don’t like D.Trump” doesn’t make it OK to disrespect the entire country. You guys have a code of conduct for tolerance and such, but not for disrespecting the country?
A. It is not a policy, it is law. In 1943, the Supreme Court ruled that requiring the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments.
- Does the school really think it is possible to schedule a DMV road test after school? Time slots are slim pickings. There are really no options. You are lucky if you can get 2 time slots open 2 months from the time you start trying. This should be a excused absence. If we wait until summer to take the test we might not get a parking pass for senior year.
A. Excused absences are set by NYS Education law.
- Why is there no breaks for Muslim holidays Christian holidays get recognized and get a day off while for us we are ignored?
A. The Board policy has stipulations for addressing religious observances for all religions. Please see policy 8360: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m6Xc63zMW3nhLEkpFQCjgc-2K7sRqhDStLYOTDMzfEM/view
- Is a college tour an excused absence? What forms do you need if any to get signed?
A. Yes, you just need a note from your parents. BOE Policy/Regulation 7110R – Excused Absences According to Commissioner’s Regs 175.6: The reasons and applicable documentation deemed acceptable for an excused absence when school is in session, include, but are not limited to, the following: Personal illness; Illness or death in the family; Impassable roads […]
- I saw a kid wearing a confederate flag shirt for the entire day and didn’t get dress coded. He wore it all day and nothing was done!! How come shen preaches equality and kindness but can let this absurd person wear something so disrespectful and do nothing about it.
A. That needs to be brought to the attention of the principal. It states in the District Code of Conduct BOE 4410R under dress code “In order to promote and foster a culturally proficient school environment preserving respect, dignity, and civility, students shall not wear or display racially or ethnically provocative or divisive symbols or […]
- Are teachers legally allowed to hold someones phone over a break or a weekend?
A. Anything confiscated from a student should be turned into the main office, with the determination made by the principal. Typically it is by the end of the day, unless the phone or device is evidence in an investigation, at which point the parent should be made aware.
- What is the policy on giving homework over the weekend (for any grade)? If there is not one, why can’t teachers at least be considerate and not give as much or no homework on the weekends? After a long week of work, students need a break!
A. Here is the policy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QoHYm3I129DlQk1qvxi6wfV4n-oTScEc7_tzvXYQ59c/view and here is the regulation https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i8H0WVYEfbaAUrZTsOSBMG-ERskS5o3IQ_ZxBJy3bPQ/view
- Is there a policy in place for teachers using essential oil defusers in school? My daughter has complained several times about her teacher using hers. The smell makes my daughter feel nauseous. I told her to tell the teacher. She is afraid to speak up as the 6th grade Acadia teacher informed her it couldn’t possibly be because it is an essential oil and it is a calming oil that should be helping her stomach. She shouldn’t be worrying about getting a backlash from a teacher because she is using this defuser not all people toerate them I know I am sensative to certain smells myself ( perfumes and candle scents). Where can I find information on if this allowed in my childs class? Thank you.
A. There should be no diffusers being used in classrooms or any place else in district. It is a fire code violation.
- What is the phone policy for teachers? One of my teachers uses her phone during class and doesn’t turn it on silent almost every day.
A. Unless it is an emergency, no one, students or staff, should be talking on their phone during a class period.
- why do kids get yelled at for wearing hoods but not yelled at if they’re wearing hijabs?
A. Dress Code, BOE Policy 4410R: Students, at the discretion of the building administration, may be allowed to wear head wear in school. Head wear for medical or religious purposes is permitted, as long as appropriate documentation or notification is provided.
- Where can I find all the shen boe policies, Thank You!
A. https://sites.google.com/a/shenschools.org/shenboe/home-1/shen-boe-policy-manual-1/table-of-contents
- I am a student in HSE and am wondering why transgender girls are allowed in the boys bathroom. Is there not an all gender bathroom that was put in the school specifically for this reason?
A. Please see the Board of Education Policy that addresses this BOE 5645.
- Would i be excused if skipped school on a religious holiday that we would normally have school on? (i.e. Islamic holidays)
A. if you skipped school, no. If your parents write an excuse that you were absent for a religious observance, than yes.
- What is Shens grading policy? specifically the idea of middle schoolers having the ability to re do all testing as they wish? or is that a myth? what is the homework grading policy> is the the hour limitation still in action? is Shen reconsidering anything about their grading policy, due, to many of the changes in the grading policies that are flooding around us. Thanks, sorry this question is a longer one.
A. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YGZmV941vTJFlMZOPmgaiLuapvfI6QT-TbTYQkgS4Po/view
- Please explain the standard policy for finding a student in possession of a controlled substance? Is Marijuana possession handled the same way?
A. Please see the Code of Conduct: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rg_BcKwYMPUPZbgrIowcHSd5jII5T1FFbFubjx-Wmy4/view
- Why doesn’t Shen get days off on Islamic Holidays?
A. The calendar is driven by BOCES, Board policy and contractual agreements. The days off for religious holidays have been based on the size of the population observing the holidays. At some point, with changing demographics and diversity in religions, it may be impractical to recognize any religious holiday.
- Why does Shen not allow teachers to play Christmas/Holiday music? I understand that Shen wants everyone to feel welcome and not specify toward any one religion. What is the BOE policy on this? What email was sent out to teachers about this? Can Shen please post this email? Can Shen just not allow music with the word “Christmas” to be played? Students should be able to celebrate the holidays at school. Does this mean that I cannot wear a Christmas hat to school? If I still can, why can I not listen to Christmas/Holiday music?
A. Students can do anything they want as far as religious expression as long as it does not violate the code of conduct. Policy 8360: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m6Xc63zMW3nhLEkpFQCjgc-2K7sRqhDStLYOTDMzfEM/view Regulation 8360R: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14BqXRXBXqIiMZYJlvskbGDDpQweOMJ9u58Zuex8pNHA/view Polic 7640: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18P1xajlSJcslm9U9hdbJbn0fG7VWsAPg9VlJS9Adz4g/view Here is the e-mail that goes out each year: As the December holidays approach, we know that we may be faced with difficult questions about how […]
- are students allowed to say “merry christmas” bc if not thats taking away our freedom of speech. Its pathetic that teachers are only allowed to say happy holidays, if someone really gets offended by “merry christmas” then they shouldnt be in this country. It dates back from a long time ago, its nothing new, and not a big deal.
A. There is no policy against saying Merry Christmas or offering good wishes on any other religious holiday.
- What is the rule for buying your teacher a class christmas gift?
A. In accordance with Board of Education Policy 5230, the Board of Education recognizes that gift giving, especially during the holiday season, may be a common practice for many District employees. While the giving or exchanging of gifts may be acceptable among staff members, the Board strongly encourages District employees and students to show appreciation […]
- Are elementary school students allowed to be kept inside for recess? My son says he is not allowed to go outside for recess because he did not answer questions from a book report. I strongly believe he should be allowed outside with the rest of the class for recess.
A. In accordance with BOE policy 5661 and 5661R at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wP_5DncMarWQxG16Rjaj77RCyj5drIuq7NWCdt2UGXg/view: Physical activity shall only be withheld if a student is a danger to him/herself or others. Recess or other physical activity time will not be cancelled for instructional make up time. The withholding or denial of recess time should be limited and used only as […]
- If a student becomes homeschooled/online schooled, is it possible to still tryout/compete for a shen team?
A. In accordance with Board of Education policy 8470R, homeschooled/online schooled students are not allowed to participate.
- Re: the Confederate flag question, if a student were to walk into school wearing the Confederate flag (or a depiction of it), would he or she be told to remove the clothing? I understand the code of conduct restricts, “racially or ethnically provocative or divisive symbols,” but does that include the Confederate flag? If not, why? If so, shouldn’t it be explicitly outlined? The verbiage is a bit ambiguous. Thanks!
A. The verbiage is meant to be more encompassing than limiting to only certain items listed. Yes, the confederate flag is a symbol that is not to be worn or displayed in Shen schools per policy.
- Are the therapy dogs screened for aids before they were introduced to Shen? As my daughter said she got sick from one of them and other parents are concerned.
A. In accordance with policy all dogs are required to show record of immunizations/shots.
- If you are 18 are you allowed to have cigarettes or a vape on you/in your backpack during school? As long as you aren’t using them
A. In accordance with the Code of Conduct, possession and/or use of tobacco products (including Vape) on school property is prohibited.
- Children at Shen are currently being taught gender identity concepts such as pansexual and gender fluid. Can you post all the gender identities children are being taught? Two days of HIV instruction used to be the only NY State mandated part of sex ed and parents could opt their children out no questions asked. When did gender identity become mandated?
Everyone has a gender identity, whether or not that gender identity is different from that traditionally associated with the person’s physiology or assigned sex at birth. The terminology that the high school reviews is to assist the school district in fostering an educational environment for all students that is safe and free from discrimination […]
- Why can’t we dress as clowns at Gowana?
A. The district’s dress code prohibits clothing (or costumes) that are distracting to the district’s primary mission which is the education of our students. For that reason, most of our schools are moving away from costumes in school on Halloween, instead opting for after-school activities. Many of the Halloween costumes are violent or inappropriate for […]
- if you go on a college visit on a school day, is that considered an excused absence?
A. Yes. According to the BOE Policy/Regulation 7110R: The reasons and applicable documentation deemed acceptable for an excused absence when school is in session, include, but are not limited to, the following: Personal illness; Illness or death in the family; Impassable roads or weather; Required court appearances; Quarantine; Attendance at health clinics; Approved college visits; […]
- I’m writing to you about your contradiction on ” pets on school grounds ” signs. Your signs all start with ” No pets on school grounds “, but then you go on about ” having your pets on a leash”, ” cleaning up after your pet”, and so forth. I personally own pets, but I would never think about bringing them to school events. I’m really getting annoyed with pet owners letting there dogs urinate on bleachers, fences and corners of buildings along the sports fields. When your cleaning up after your dog, your not getting all of it! This needs to be addressed!
A. Thanks for highlighting that contradiction. We will certainly review relevant policies and signage to ensure a consistent practice.
- What is with this “no dairy” policy? My child’s snack is not allowed to have milk in it (kindergarten) If the school is going to get strict about food allergies then the school should provide the snacks
A. Our district does not have a dairy-free policy. It may be classroom specific due to the needs of the classroom. Please contact your principal with concerns.
- Are teachers allowed to touch students? I have had many cases where lunch aids touched me without consent, and one of those cases ended up in some of my hair being torn out. I feel this is a violation of some kind, but I would like some feedback on whether this is allowed, or not. as I would like to report the aids, but I am not sure if they are violating any policy
A. It depends, in terms of the intent and familiarity. Clearly, any and all inappropriate touching is prohibited and will be severely addressed. We strongly urge you to bring the matter directly to the attention of the building principal. See BOE Policy https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K0QueY_TiwPw7bXhcYo1BmT0y1NgqYsmKecqzP-4H0Y/view
- What are the attendance requirements for graduating? I can’t find them anywhere on the site
A. You can find the district attendance policy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16RkTOzfb6wmzRWLULae_uSObE3IvG42X534v3VXuUSc/view and regulation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cd8b4NfcXvaywqUFePr0gcP8dpAIyfzzSFnWdGj5ERo/view
- why don’t we get school off on muslim holidays?
A. The current policy only calls for days off on certain holidays. That same policy also recognizes that students may choose to observe a variety of established religious day and that decision will be respected.
- What is the point of having to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of every single school day? Also, why would students have to promise their loyalty (pledge allegiance) to this country?
A. By law, all public school students are required to recite the Pledge, facing the flag, hand over heart or saluting if in uniform. If a student or his parent or guardian objects, the student may sit silently or stand quietly.
- Is it possible to refuse to go on a field trip? If so, how (not paying, etc.)?
A. A parent has a right to keep their child home if they do not approve of the trip. If they are unable to pay for the trip, that needs to be discussed with the building principal
- My daughter was told she was going to get detention because she said to her friend Merry Christmas who celebrates Christmas. A staff member over heard and said it may offend the other children. How is this fair and right?
A. Without knowing the specific circumstances, there is no policy against saying Merry Christmas and students do not get detention for saying it.
- Does the district any official guidelines on how a student who identifies with a different gender than they were born with should be referred to? It seems like at least one student is complaining that they are being called a she when they want to be called a he or vice versa. Does the student have to legally have their named changed or can they just announce to a teacher that they are now a different name/gender without any type of legal documents?
A. This information is taken out of the district’s DASA Regulation 7555R All students should be addressed by a name and pronoun corresponding to their gender identity that is exclusively and consistently asserted at school. Students are not required to obtain a court ordered name and/or gender change or to change their official records as […]
- if you have a therapy animal, can you bring it to school?
A. Please see the district policy on this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T9MfEXuHapX-tXnYlLk52O7Jn24BRL9posicVPmcrNw/view
- Can you post the rules for Halloween costumes at school? Masks? No masks?, makeup?, etc. Hearing a lot of different versions
A. Each school does things a little differently. Please contact the main office of your child’s school.
- If I religiously observe Rosh Hashanah and I stayed home from school, would it be a legal absence?
A. Religious observances are an excused absence.
- Can non SHEN students play on Shen sports teams or join Shen extra curricular clubs if they attend private schools or are home schooled but live in the Shen district?
A. No, not allowable by law and/or policy. From NYSPHSAA Handbook: BONA FIDE STUDENTS: Regulation of the Commissioner of Education: A contestant must be a bona fide student of the high school represented and must be taking at least four subjects including Physical Education.
- The practice of granting religious holidays off is archaic and discriminatory. I understand that Christmas is a Federal Holiday, but Yom Kippur and Good Friday are not. If Shenendehowa is truly committed to culturally responsive practice, It will modernize the school calendar and stop giving preference to certain religions, as many schools in New York State already have.
A. Thanks for sharing. All students have the right to celebrate religious holidays with their families as deemed appropriate and the district policies are respectful of those choices.
- What is the expectation for teachers posting grades in their gradebooks? My kid has 2 grades posted this quarter in band, both of those from the first half of the quarter and was told no more grades would be posted. He goes to band every day so this can’t possibly represent the full effort of his work this quarter. And he has no individual lesson grades posted either, which either indicates a lack of effort by the teacher to provide any feedback to the kids on their progress or that they did not receive any instrument lessons at all this quarter. How are kids supposed to improve if they receive no feedback from their teachers on their progress over the course of the quarter? Seems to me some teachers are not doing their jobs!
A. Matters of grading are obviously done differently based on the class and the workload. If there is a concern about a lack of grade or information to monitor a child’s progress, please communicate directly with the teacher, or if necessary, with the building principal.
- Is there a dress code for classroom teachers?
A. There is an expectation of professionalism and appropriateness. For instance, it is not uncommon to see a staff person wearing shorts or other summer attire this time of the school year, particularly teachers who are proctoring exams or participating in field day activities. However, in the same way we expect that students’ attire meet a […]
- Just out of curiosity why can’t show their shoulders I mean let’s face it no guy is going to go up to a girl and go “hey you have sexy shoulders you wanna go out?” Not trying to be funny or rude just inquiring.
A. The dress code doesn’t prohibit showing shoulders.
- Are staff members properly trained to report sign of abuse? Do they take classes?
A. All staff are trained in reporting of child abuse as per district policy.
- Is there a dress code for elementary school. Can my daughter wear a tank top because it is school appropriate
A. The district has a dress code of all students in the Code of Conduct: https://drive.google.com/a/shenschools.org/file/d/0ByBDshT1lZueM3I0WGE1Yk1UNW8/view
- At HSE every once in awhile when I’m running late for homeroom and the pledge starts, monitors will force me to stop walking and stand until the pledge is completed. Considering that district policy and New York State law both state that students do not have to participate in the pledge of allegiance, shouldn’t this not be allowed?
A. Yes, that is allowed. You just can’t be forced to say the pledge.
- Why don’t some teachers allow water bottles? Isn’t some sort of violation?
A. There is no district policy regulating the use of water bottles. However, teachers have the discretion to prohibit something if it becomes a distraction in the classroom.
- Can my kindergarten girl wear makeup to school
A. There is no policy against make up at any age unless it becomes a distraction to the educational process.
- Why are drivers test absences marked as unexcused absences even if the parent calls ahead?
A. Excused Absences According to Commissioner’s Regs 175.6: a) Personal illness; b) Illness or death in the family; c) Impassable roads or weather; d) Required court appearances; e) Quarantine; f) Attendance at health clinics; g) Approved college visits; h) Military obligations; i) Religious observance; j) Disciplinary detention of incarcerated youth. All other absences for […]
- Is there a school policy that prohibits circulation of a school related petition on school grounds?
A. School-related group, club, organization or class petitions are not prohibited but they must be approved by the building principal.
- Why can’t guys wear short shorts?
A. Who said that they can’t? Shorts are not against the dress code as long as they are appropriate and not a distraction.
- Is it a mandatory school policy at HSW for the students to require a doctor’s note to excuse an absence that is due to an illness lasting “x” amount of days? My child has the flu, and considering there is nothing that can be done other than to wait it out, I do not want to have to pay money for a doctor’s visit.
A. The only way a student can truly be diagnosed with the flu is to see a doctor. If they are diagnosed early they can receive Tamiflu which greatly decreases the duration and severity of the illness. With excess illnesses they do require a doctor’s note to have them marked as excused.
- The Shen School District recently granted permission to the Clifton Park Baseball League to use the logo and name “Plainsmen”. That baseball league is now advertising they are a “feeder” program for the school baseball team. Isn’t the school district putting themselves at risk by allowing a private organization to appear to be affiliated with the school system? If there are incidents with coaches from this league in front of other teams from other areas, it will reflect on the school district negatively. In addition, this gives the appearance to the kids in the Round Lake Baseball League (200+ kids) and the Halfmoon Baseball League (400 + kids), all of which reside in the Shen school system that the school will only allow kids on their school baseball team if they came thru the Clifton Park Baseball League.
A. The Shenendehowa School District did not recently grant permission for the use of our logo to any organization. The use of any of our logos requires approval from the Board of Education.
- Are there any policies towards locker decorating?
A. At the middle schools, it varies slightly for each school. Students should stop by their Main Office for specific guidelines. At the high school, students are allowed to decorate the insides of lockers, provided that no permanent ink is used.
- Are teachers allowed to hug students?
A. Teachers are allowed to be human and to express their appreciation and kindness towards a student. Clearly, there are professional boundaries and expectations. If a student feels uncomfortable, or feels that the “hug” is more than a casual and informal display of appreciation or kindness, then the matter should be addressed.
- Would Shen ever consider school uniforms?
A. Probably not, we are a public school.
- Can students who graduated come back and visit the teachers? If yes, could you please tell me what the process is? Thank you.
A: You didn’t specify a building, but you could contact the principal and make the request.
- Should or can high school students give their teachers presents around the holidays?
A: While staff members do not have an expectation of receiving any gifts if you wish to provide one, BOE Policy 6110 states that that gifts from students to a faculty or other staff member hould not exceed $75.