‘Fowl’ play suspected in Capital Region BOCES culinary lab
Shen High School student Jade O’Campo was guilty of ‘fowl’ play Monday as she prepared turkeys in the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Tech lab of the Capital Region BOCES Career & Technical Education Center – Albany Campus.
She is among more than 100 students enrolled in the program. “I have always known I wanted to be a chef. Going to BOCES helped me realize that goal,” said O’Campo. “I found out yesterday that I have been accepted into the CIA,” referring to the famed Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park.
There are currently 118 students from nearly two-dozen school districts enrolled in the Capital Region BOCES program, which is offered at both the Albany and Schoharie campuses. Students in the two-year program learn the skills necessary to enter the workforce as a chef or pursue additional training in college. Graduates work in restaurants and resorts around the region and beyond, own their establishment and even prepare food for professional sporting events.