Parent/Guardian of students attending Shenendehowa Public School:
Please disregard if you have already sent your busing needs for the 22-23 school year.
Students in Kindergarten, 1 st, 6 th and 9 th grade will automatically be assigned to an established neighborhood bus stop closest to the student’s home. Any alternate arrangements from last year will not carry over. Please submit forms right away.
Students in grades 2 nd to 5 th, 7 th to 8 th, and 10 th to 12 th busing arrangements have been carried over from the 21-22 school year. If families had alternate arrangements and wish to cancel them, please email transportation@shenschools.org right away.
If you plan on providing transportation for your student either in the morning, afternoon or both, and/or your 12 th grader will be driving to/from school please let Transportation know via email as soon as possible.
If you have moved over the summer please contact your student’s school to make the address change.
An Alternate Transportation Form is also required if your child is attending Y-Time AM and/or PM.
The form is available at: Alternate Transportation Form
The transportation main office between the hours of 6:00am and 4:15pm during the summer.
Changes submitted after August 1 st may not be in place on the first day of school. A detailed busing schedule will be mailed to families later this summer.