Tag: District

If I am 18, am I allowed to call myself in sick or for any excused absence?

A. No, if you live with your parents/guardian.

Do you have to pay to get into Shensational?

A. No,  it is free.

Is kindergarten going to full day in September?

A. No.

Are teachers allowed to share their political views and choices with students/ classes? I have a teacher that consistently bashes trump directly and indirectly and I find it quite inappropriate and it makes me feel uncomfortable.

A. Please see BOE Policy 6193: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IYU6Dei8YLG8wyawzZ6dtQqj7ETafRtxSRlH8vdb8JQ/view

Can high school teachers fix the grades in the portal after the quarter has ended? If so, when are they able to? A teacher had an error with a grade from quarter 2 and has yet to fix it. Thanks!

A. The error can be fixed.  Please notify the teacher and your child’s counselor of the mistake.

How come my parents pay thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars every year in school taxes, yet I, as a responsible high school student, am not allowed to use the colored ink in the computer lab without really special permission from a teacher?

A. Your parents pay taxes to support your education. The district has a responsibility to all taxpayers to contain costs.

For the Infinite Campus App, what’s our District ID?

A. That’s been answered before. If you search on “District ID” you would find it here: https://www.shenet.org/what-is-the-district-id-for-the-mobile-parent-portal/

What’s the district’s policy on the amount of time teachers give students to prepare for a quiz/test? Also does the district have a policy on teachers letting parents know when a quiz/test is going to take place?

A.  Teachers typically give students a day (or sometimes more) notice of a quiz and usually a few days notice for a test. There is no policy related to this issue as it varies based on how long students have been studying the topic and many other factors such as a teacher’s judgment about when […]

What is the total number of eligible district voters?

A. We estimate between 51,000 and 55,000.

Can campus patrol arrest you?

A. No, but they can call the police to arrest you if you are breaking the law.