Tag: Gowana Slider

Gowana students enjoy the Gowana PTA Holiday Shop.

Gowana students enjoy the Gowana PTA Holiday Shop.

Fueling connections one cup and cookie at a time! The BESD program at Gowana Middle School’s Coffee Cart spreads joy and smiles across the school with some help from Gowana students

Fueling connections one cup and cookie at a time!  The BESD program at Gowana Middle School’s Coffee Cart spreads joy and smiles across the school with some help from Gowana students.

Shen Middle School health education teachers attended the NYS APHERD conference—a fantastic opportunity to represent Shen while continuing their professional growth!

Shen Middle School health education teachers attended the NYS APHERD conference—a fantastic opportunity to represent Shen while continuing their professional growth!

Our high school robotics team hosted a Shen Middle School FLL rumble. Eight teams competed, three of which were teams visiting from other schools. Congratulations to all the teams that competed (click to read more)..

Our high school robotics team hosted a Shen Middle School FLL rumble. Eight teams competed, three of which were teams visiting from other schools. Congratulations to all the teams that competed. The results for our Shen teams are as follows: Data Deleted” took 1st place at Robot Performance Execute File.Win took 2nd place at Robot […]

In Randy Symonds Middle School Technology class students were learning about the “center of mass,” and had a hands on experience while learning.

In Randy Symonds Middle School Technology class students were learning about the “center of mass,” and had a hands on experience while learning.

Flashlight Friday in the Gowana Library!

Flashlight Friday in the Gowana Library!

Gowana students have fun dressing up for Halloween.

Gowana students have fun dressing up for Halloween.

Mr. Symond’s classes  observed Mr. Verhagen’s construction classes and got to tour the new home the class is building.  From here, Mr. Symond’s class will be constructing a scale model house just like the one at the High School.  The students are having a blast!

Mr. Symond’s Tech-8 classes  observed Mr. Verhagen’s construction classes and got to tour the new home the class is building.  From here, Mr. Symond’s class will be constructing a scale model house just like the one at the High School.  The students are having a blast!

Students in 8th grade Technology had a unique opportunity for their first project. Each 8th grade technology student sanded wood blanks and LASER cut a personal ruler to use throughout the year. Pictured here are some of the students designing, engraving, and using their rulers.

Students in 8th grade Technology had a unique opportunity for their first project.  Each 8th grade technology student sanded wood blanks and LASER cut a personal ruler to use throughout the year.  Pictured here are some of the students designing, engraving, and using their ruler s.  

Mrs. Clermont’s tribuilding Accelerated Art celebrated finishing their first assignment (Folder Design) with a class critique outside. The students all presented their work on benches in the morning sunlight. We had a nice walkabout where we viewed each other’s work and shared positive comments to each other using our art vocabulary

Mrs. Clermont’s tribuilding Accelerated Art celebrated finishing their first assignment (Folder Design) with a class critique outside. The students all presented their work on benches in the morning sunlight. We had a nice walkabout where we viewed each other’s work and shared positive comments to each other using our art vocabulary.