Tag: High School

just a small thing, but at HSE, there is a yellow rope in the main lobby preventing students from walking directly towards the west wing, instead they must circle around the front desk go in that direction. It’s really not a big deal, but I was just wondering why it is there.

A. It’s a safety issue. It helps ensure that visitors are checked in at the front desk and we know where they are going when they arrive.

Shen issues many pink parking tickets in the student parking lot warning that the cars without parking permits will be towed. How many cars actually get towed? I’ve seen the same cars with pink citations over and over.

A.  We try not to tow any vehicles as it is inconvenient and costly for the person who has their vehicle towed. With that said, we will tow a vehicle if they continue to violate our rules and park without permission. 

What class would be the next progression after Cult Lit?

A. See the social studies course progressions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pwdAb9jp0ldGzSqd2yHR9fiOGnszNCMeUyedlDg99EA/view  

To get the medal for 95% average or higher at graduation, is it all four years combined to at least 95%( so one year could be below if the other three were farther above) or each year must be at least 95%?

A. Yes.

do french exchange students visit clifton park through the PEACE program every year? and what grades are allowed to host french students?

A.  Yes, French exchange students visit Shen each year through the Peace Program. Students in grades 9, 11, and 12 can host.

Who requires High School Seniors in National Issues (a New York State required class) do 10 hours of community service and a town hall meeting in order to pass that class and graduate? Is it New York State or Shen?

A.  Attending a community meeting and completing 10 hours of volunteer service is a requirement of the Shenendehowa National Issues Forum course which meets the New York State graduation requirement for Participation in Government. At Shenendehowa, our Social Studies Department takes the responsibility of preparing our students to fulfill their social and political responsibilities as […]

How does someone go about obtaining a parking pass?

A. You apply for senior privileges: https://www.shenet.org/shen-high-school/high-school-senior-privileges/.

Are class rings sold for Shen high schoolers?

A.  Yes, Jostens handles class ring orders.

Where can I find the dates for the high school choral concerts

A. https://www.shenet.org/about-us/events-calendar/shen-high-school-events-calendar/

Why are weighted grades not used for determining Green Award recipients? I personally take very challenging courses and unfortunately my grades have dropped a little bit due to them. It’s not fair for another student taking all regular courses and getting 100s in them to get the GPA award and not me, when I am taking some the hardest classes offered in the high school and would easily qualify for the award if weighted grades were used.

A. Weighted grades are used. However, we do not round grades.