Tag: High School

Do you have to swim in 9-12th grade?

A. No.

Why are students not allowed to stand in the library in the morning? We are always being told to go find a seat even when we need to ask our friend for help on the homework.

A.  We need to maintain an academic environment in the library. When there are no more seats available we are at capacity. If the library is full there is seating in the cafeteria available before homeroom.

Are sunglasses and/or hoods allowed to be worn during the school day at High School West?

A.  No, but with the following exceptions: Headwear may be worn in classrooms if permitted by the classroom teacher, or if it is for religious purposes; Sunglasses may be worn for medical purposes (with a doctor’s note submitted to the Health Office indicating the need to wear sunglasses while in school).

If you fail gym, does that hurt you in any way? Does it bring your average down

A.  Physical Education is not part of the GPA, but is a NYS Graduation requirement. 

For the green letter awards, is it above 95 for all quarters or just overall?

A. Overall.

Is gym part of the overall average for high school?

A. This has been answered many times. Physical Education is not included in the overall average at any level.

Why doesn’t the crew team get any school funding?

A. This question has been answered many times. It does. Crew is an extra-curricular club and is funded according to those guidelines.

Can a student take an online course (core, honors, AP) at the same time as their own classes and once completed, transfer the credits from the online course into their high school credits?

A.  AP scores are not on the high school transcript.  The scores are self-reported on college applications.  Students then send official scores from College Board to the one school they select to attend.  So, if they wanted to report the scores, they would do so on their college application.  If a student is seeking course credit, it […]

Can I bring my boyfriend to prom if I identify as male?

A. Yes.  If it is a non-Shen student, the guest has to meet the requirements of any guest to the prom and you must complete the guest paperwork and have it signed by the principal.

Why is there no eating in the library and why do the librarians only allow 4 to a table? What if someone needs help with homework and they need to hover over them to help them.

A. The cafeteria is for eating and socializing. The library is a place for school work.