Tag: High School

Why do seniors have to go to school on PSAT day

A. To learn.

Has shen ever considered getting certified to have IB programs be taught at the highschool?

A.  The superintendent has looked into it extensively and the decision is to stick to the provision of a a wide array of AP courses which are more readily accepted by colleges and recognized as being extremely rigorous. 

My daughter will be a senior next year. Can you tell me how parking permits/passes are given out? Is there an application? Is there a deadline? How is this handled?

A. You can find the answers to your questions under Senior Privileges: https://www.shenet.org/shen-high-school/high-school-senior-privileges/

Is the Checkpoint B language exam considered a Regents exam by the NYS Education Department?

A.  No, Checkpoint B is not a Regents Exam.

I am shocked that a cannon was shot off at the beginning of the homecoming football game. It sent a shock wave through my body. With the current incident in Las Vegas, shouldn’t the school be more sensitive to this issue?

A. That was discussed and from now on it will be announced when it is going to go off.

on a high schoolers report card that is taking honors and ap classes, what average is on the report card? the weighted or the unweighted one?

A. Unweighted. Weighted grades are only used for class rank.

whats the policy on senior pranks

A. They aren’t allowed and you will be subject to consequences outlined in the code of conduct.

If you don’t have a parking pass for HSE, can you still “park” there if you don’t park in an actual spot? For example, many students park on the grass/dirt by the road everyday and don’t have to move. Is it okay to park there?

A. No, you can’t drive to school if you don’t have a parking pass.

This is from the high school graduation document posted on Shen website: “dress or blouse and skirt for girls; trousers (no jeans) and dress shirt for boys; dress shoes for both”. The girls wore light short sleeveless dresses and sandals. The boys wore pants, dress shirt, tie, socks, and dress shoes, being all covered up, in the heat and humidity. Why are boys not allowed to wear nice shorts, shirt, and sandals? It is not fair.

A. We ask students to dress as they would in a business casual type atmosphere. 

Can you do weight room even if you do not do a Shen sport

A. Yes.  The weight room is open every day after school from 2:45 to 5:00 pm.