Tag: High School

Is the overall average on the quarterly report cards weighted?

A. No. Weighted grades are only for class rank.

It seems strange that a 9th grade student, for example, that is taking Algebra Honors would receive the same weight for the course as a 9th grade student taking Algebra 2 Honors, a double accelerated course. This skews the class ranks in an unfavorable way for accelerated kids. Is there a reason why this is the policy?

A.  All students in the same course, regardless of the age of the student or grade the student is in when taking the course, receive the same weighted multiplier (Policy 7223).  Students who reach more advanced courses earlier have the opportunity to take more advanced courses later in their high school career as illustrated by […]

Is there a meme club?If so how can I join.

A. No.

Why is there a four-to-a-table rule in the library? I often go to the library with myself and more than 3 other friends (so 4). The odd person out will usually move a chair up to the table so we can all sit together. Me and my other peers frequently get yelled at for this, even when there are countless open tables. I don’t see how this is a problem, as long as the noise is kept in check. I believe that there should be a 3 strikes system for noise level if there is more than 4 to a table, seeing as more people = more noise. Names are taken of each person at the table, if there are more than 4, and they are being noisy. If someone’s name appears 3 times, they are not allowed to sit more than 4 anymore. Thanks for the feedback.

A.  The library is a busy and large facility (over 200 seats) in which we need to maintain an academic environment  in which classes can conduct research and students can read, work individually and in small groups on academic projects.  The four person to a table policy (also the policy in most area high school libraries) […]

This may be a stupid question, but how do students in HSE go to see their counselors? Do we need to make appointments, or can we just walk in and talk to them when we need to?

A.  The answer is both.  While you can surely make an appointment, the counselors if available meet with students on a drop-in basis as well. 

If a student gets picture retakes will they receive a different student ID with the new picture on it.

A. Yes.

Can 9th graders apply for the Tri M Music Honor Society?

A.  No, Tri-M Music Honor Society is for students in grades 10-12. 

What is the protocol regarding passes at HSE. Are teachers required to write a pass on an official gold sheet (even if they ran out)? If I have anything signed, dated, and with the location on it it should be accepted as a pass. If it’s not, that’s absurd!

A.  Teachers can get as many passes as they want.  While exceptions are made, we try to limit passes to the official ones teachers have access to.

If we didn’t get a chance to shower before school can we take a quick one in once we get inside the building and have 40mins to wait? (HSE)

A. No.

I heard that senior classes are not weighted with the ap or honors credit, is this true?

A.  They are weighted, but only if students take the advanced placement test if they are in AP.  Honors is also weighted.