Tag: High School

Why doesn’t the students that have an overall average of 90%-94% ever get recognized for there academic achievements? That average is not good enough in Shen..those students work hard too!

A.  Students can be nominated for effort by their teachers at the end of the year awards night. There are also recognized through honor roll.

Who is required to actually wear their ID cards? Just seniors, and if so, why not 10th or 11th?

A. Juniors and seniors with privileges.

why did the high schools stop doing prom king and queen?

A. Don’t know, it was a long time ago.

Why do we not have a fencing team? Would it be possible to get one sometime this year, or for next year?

A. To create a new club, you need to talk to your principal.

Why do high schoolers have to get on the bus so early? Why can’t the middle school start at 7:45 and the high school start at 8:50?

A. Sports, extracurricular activities, jobs…a variety of reasons.

Does the personal dev and fitness grade go into the GPA

A. No.

Why were we asked to sound spell our names in homeroom?

A. Probably so that the teacher can pronounce your name correctly. If you are a senior, it is probably so that they can pronounce your name correctly at graduation.

What does CAPS stand for?

A. Class Assistant Principals.

How do high schoolers get into the national honor society?

A. That information can be found here: http://shennhs.webs.com/

what is the world honor language society and how do i join

A.  Information about the World Languages Honor Society can be found here: https://www.shenet.org/who-can-apply-to-the-world-languages-honor-society-and-when/