Tag: High School

Why do we not have prom king and queen anymore.

A. We haven’t had them for at least 10 years.

What are the actual issues surrounding the bottle flipping game? What harm has such an innocent game wrought?

A. We are concerned that bottles open, caps split and these things create a mess.  In addition, when thrown in the air they can hit unsuspecting students.

Why is PDA allowed?

A. It is not, but we try to work with students to understand that it is not allowed and in so doing, sometimes certain people are able to understand sooner than others regarding our expectations.

Has Shen ever considered creating a show choir?

A. Not sure what a show choir is. We have A Capella.

What grade do you take your senior portraits

A.  Students begin to have their Senior portrait taken in the spring of their Junior year. Deadline to have Senior portraits taken is September 30 of the Senior year.

How come there is a Spanish Club, French Club, and German Club but no Latin Club? I’m a Latin student and I think learning more about ancient civilization in Rome would be fun!!!

A.  There is a very active Latin Club at the high school. For more information, see either Ms. Armstrong at High School West or Mrs. Armstrong at High School East.

Do I need an adult to go to homecoming?

A. Middle school, elementary and preschool children require an adult to enter.

Which parts of HSE have AC?

A. There are many parts that have AC and some that have cooling units.  The newer areas tend to have AC.

What is the earliest time a student can be dropped off at High School West in the morning?

A. That would be 7 a.m., unless they have permission from faculty/administration.

When students see a friend coming to school drunk or on drugs, should we report this? Will we be anonymous? Thanks.

A. Absolutely.