Tag: High School

Is it just me or should there not being homework right before finals so students can focus on review? Curious what others think

A. Homework is review.

Does gym count in your total average when determining rank and for college?

A. No.

Could you please explain the significance of the cords, gold tassels and medals at high school graduation?

A.  Cords are for being a member of an Honor Society. Gold tassel is for a GPA of 85% or above. Medals are for GPA of 95% and above.

I was told you get a gold tassel by getting the advanced regents diploma. I earned my advanced regents diploma but no gold tassel. did I hear incorrectly or was there a mistake?

A.  Gold tassel is for 85 or above GPA for 4 years.

I am a senior and is it okay if my parent(s) don’t call in my absence to the attendance office for senior skip day?

A. No, that is an unexcused absence.

How often are cars towed because they don’t have a parking pass at the high school? Thanks

A.  Towing is our last resort.

Where can I apply for working papers?

A. All the information that you need is posted here: https://www.shenet.org/shen-high-school/working-papers/

You recently answered a question about a Math tutor incorrectly. The district DOES maintain a list of tutors for a variety of subjects.

A. That is for district-provided tutors (i.e. for suspensions). We do not provide list of tutors for parents to pay for extra support.

Why are the highschoolers forced to get out of bed so early? In order for me to get the correct amount of sleep for my body, i would have to go to bed an hour before i get home. and that leaves no time for me to do the buckets of homework that we’re assigned every night. if you look around at the students, it will be difficult to find one who doesnt have dark circles under their eyes.

A. High schoolers also need time after school for homework, extracurriculars, sports, work, etc.

How long is graduation going to take

A. It typically takes approximately 2 – 2 1/2 hours.