Tag: High School

How many tickets can I buy for graduation?

A. No tickets are needed for graduation. 

I’ve heard that if students do not participate in NJHS, then they wont be able to participate in NHS. Is that true?

A. No.

Before getting on the bus home, my daughter lost her calculator after being pushed down a hill of snow. What is the lost and found contact info for High School East?

A.  Lost and found is in the CAPs Office at HSE.

What are the requirements to attend senior prom?

A.  Students may not have committed a Level 3 or 4 infraction of the Code of Conduct, may not be failing more than 1 course for the 3rd/4th marking periods through, have 90% attendance since March 1 and have not cut a class period since March 1 through the date of the prom.  They must […]

Why are the counselors strongly encouraging the students to take Health in 10th grade instead of later?

A.  Statistics show that students are engaging in increased usage and risky behaviors from 9th-12th grade. Our current high school health curriculum at Shenendehowa is delivered in junior and senior year. Health this late in a student’s high school career enables the subject matter to become reactive instead of proactive.  In addition, by taking health in 10th […]

Have therapy dogs always been at the high school? Or is it new?

A. No, it is new.

Are HSW students allowed to walk home after school?

A.  Yes, but for safety reasons we ask that walkers wait in the cafeteria until the buses depart from the front of the building before leaving for the day.

How can I start a club at HSE? What are the requirements?

A. You start by having the conversation with the principal.

Just curious…Do hall monitors check in on bathrooms at all? My son has come home with some stories he heard about some pretty inappropriate behaviors going on.

A.  Yes.  Hall monitors and administrators check bathrooms periodically throughout the day.

I recently turned 16 and received my new working papers today. I’m planning on getting 2 jobs ( one for the summer one year round) will I need to get 2 different working papers? Thank you!

A.  Students can get a duplicate card issued at the HSE or HSW Counseling College & Career Center.