Tag: High School

Can I graduate if forget to turn in a library book

A. Yes.

Approximately how long is the high school graduation?

A. Approximately 2 1/2 hours.

My mother, who is a Shen graduate, and I were visiting the memorial garden in front of the high school the other day. It was brought to my attention that many of the students who had passed don’t have a memorial. Two of which are her best friend who passed in ninth and her fiance who passed in twelth. There was nobody in there before the late nineties, and something needs to be done, there are good students who deserve to be in there. I expect an answer, because this needs addressing more than other problems about air conditioning and Chromebooks. This is about plain respect for the passed.

A. Anyone who wishes to donate a stone to the memorial garden in honor of a student or teacher who has passed can contact the high school administration.

How do you get into the secret honors societies if you have the appropriate grades? Like the new social studies honors? Was this invite to apply only? Like did the teachers whisper in your or your parents ears (assuming they are friends with them)? A political set up perhaps, favoritism just like everything else here. Ridiculous.

A.  *October 15, 2021:  This response is out of date.  Since May 2019, the eligibility requirements to be invited to apply for Rho Kappa are attendance at Shen for one semester; a minimum average for Grade 9-11 Social Studies courses of a 95 and an overall cumulative weighted GPA of 92 at the end of junior […]

Can I do NHS in High School if I did not do NJHS in Middle School? I’ve qualified for it in Middle School but chose not to participate…

A. Yes, the two are totally unrelated.

who makes up the “rules “for senior privileges

A. The High School administration.

Why doesn’t Shen offer more SAT / ACT dates? Many other high schools offer it almost every date the tests are, yet Shen only offers it once. Being such a large district with over 2000 students, it should really be offered more.

The SAT/ACT is run by the College Board, not Shenendehowa.

Who uses the greenhouse? Like what’s it for? I can water the plants if they need help.

A.  The greenhouse is used mainly by High School East’s Environmental Science courses. Students grow plants from seed in soil in a NFT hydroponics system. They record and analyze data on the growth of their plants and learn about the specific needs of various types of plants.

My daughter will be a senior next year and due to a late year birthday she’ll be taking her drivers test during the summer. Is this going to impact her applying for a parking spot for senior privileges? I would hope not as the school can’t exclude kids who get their licenses over the summer. Please explain. Thanks!

A. She can apply for senior privileges but she cannot drive until she gets her license.

Why doesn’t the school do after prom parties like other schools?

A. We used to but they were stopped due to low attendance.