Tag: High School

I pick my child up esch day in the pick-up drop off line outside HSW. Lately, there have been many buses from other districts and coach buses blocking the pick-up line, making parents back up, move, go elsewhere. Can you clarify the school’s expectations of this area? I feel like I’m doing something wrong or these drivers aren’t being told the proper places to park. Thanks

A.  For those looking to pick up a student at High School West after dismissal, would you please park your car in the front parking lot and then proceed to the front circle once the buses head out of this area.  This will prevent students being picked up from having to walk through the parking […]

How would a student go about joining the National Art Honor Society?

A. Talk to your art teacher.

Does a field trip count as an abscense (will it show up on my official transcript as an abscense)?

A. It is an excused absence. Absences are on a transcript but it does not distinguish between excused vs unexcused. It just lists “Days Absent” and “Days Tardy.”

What were the requirements for a sophomore to receive a letter inviting them to the ShenNext Medicine informational meeting?

A.  Individuals eligible for the ShenNext meeting must be in the top 10% of their class

Do effort and conduct grades appear on a students transcript or mid year report?

A. No.

Is it possible the High School Musical Company would do a production of Hamilton?

A.  Any selection for the HS musical will be considered providing the rights are available, the content is appropriate for public High School students and audiences, and the show is flexible enough given the student composition within the cast at the given time.

Does college personal finance class count for higher weighting for your gpa?

A.  College Personal Finance/Investment is weighted 1.06 as are all College or AP courses for GPA and Rank purposes only – grades on report cards are not weighted.

why cant juniors drive into school

A. Not enough parking spaces.

Is there a list of all the classes during summer school? Where can I find them?

A. You can get that in the College, Counseling and Career Center.

To take basically any of the technology related classes in high school do you have to take DDE first?

A. College Drawing and Design for Engineering  (DDE) is the initial course in the college level Project Lead the Way progression and is therefore a prerequisite for  College Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), College Principles of Engineering (POE), and Honors Automation and Robotics. Drawing and Design for Production (DDP) is an alternate prerequisite to DDE for Engineering […]