Tag: Home Slider

STEM & Healthy Discovery night is Friday, April 25 at 6pm (click to learn more)!

Have you ever seen a garbage can fly? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to investigate and solve a crime using forensic evidence just like a CSI? Have you ever wondered how to fly a fighter jet? Well now you can experience it all at the 2025 Shen STEM & Health DISCOVERY […]

Don’t miss our talented Shen Middle Schoolers’ performance of Newsies Jr. this weekend! Join us Friday, March 21 at 7pm and Saturday, March 22 at 7pm for a fun and energetic performance! Tickets are $5 at the door (cash only).

Congratulations to our Odyssey of the Mind teams (read more)!

Five teams from Shen competed in the Region 7 Odyssey of the Mind tournament. Our two high school teams were awarded first place for the technical and classical literature categories and will advance to the State competition! Our middle school team placed 3rd in the performance category. There were two combined Tesago-Skano teams, one placed […]

We’re Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence this May 16 & 17, 2025! Save the date for our upcoming Shen Anniversary Celebration! Click here to learn more!

Mark your calendars! We are planning a grand celebration of our 75th Anniversary of Educational Excellence on May 16 & 17. Don’t miss this fun and impactful way of honoring the legacy of Shen, and all that’s to come in the future! See here for a draft schedule of events: https://sites.google.com/…/draft-schedule-of-events… The Shenendehowa Central School […]

Middle school students designed and built a city of the future that embodies a solution to an important sustainability issue.

Mrs. Sansone and Ms. Butera’s 4th graders learning about lacrosse from 2 Albany FireWolves lacrosse players this week. 

Mrs. Sansone and Ms. Butera’s 4th graders learning about lacrosse from 2 Albany FireWolves lacrosse players this week. 

Orenda Mindfulness Assembly with Tommie Burch

Orenda Mindfulness Assembly with Tommie Burch

Gowana and Koda students were recognized by the Clifton Park Veterans of Foreign War Post #1498 for their winning entries in the regional Patriots’ Pen Essay Contest!

Gowana and Koda students were recognized by the Clifton Park Veterans of Foreign War Post #1498 for their winning entries in the regional Patriots’ Pen Essay Contest!

Gowana 6th graders learn about Ancient Egypt in the Gowana Library!

Gowana 6th graders learn about Ancient Egypt in the Gowana Library! Students rotated through five stations where they learned how to decode and write their own hieroglyphics, labeled and created 3D pyramids, learned about the mummification process, identified landforms on a map and created their own Ancient Egyptian tomb. 

7th graders enjoy reading at the Gowana Library.

7th graders enjoy reading at the Gowana Library.