Tag: Home Slider

Tesago Yearbook committee members show off their work! Thanks to Mrs. Schwab and Mrs. Lawrence for all their organization.

Tesago Yearbook committee members show off their work!  Thanks to Mrs. Schwab and Mrs. Lawrence for all their organization.

Former Tesago alumnus and aspiring dentist, Michael Marincic, came to first grade to speak to the students about dental health.

Former Tesago alumnus and aspiring dentist, Michael Marincic, came to first grade to speak to the students about dental health.

Students from Mr. Hanley’s Ap Computer Science classes had a google meet with game development professor Bill Crosbie from Raritan Community College and Rutgers University.  Bill shared his experiences from teaching game development for the last 18 years and students got to ask him questions about the field.

Students from Mr. Hanley’s Ap Computer Science classes had a google meet with game development professor Bill Crosbie from Raritan Community College and Rutgers University.  Bill shared his experiences from teaching game development for the last 18 years and students got to ask him questions about the field.

Mr. Pace gets slimed at Tesago’s Spring Carnival by auction winner Karli!

Mr. Pace gets slimed at Tesago’s Spring Carnival by auction winner Karli!

Students enrolled in Masterpieces of Drama and Musical Theatre English class, seniors in the Aspire program, and members of the High School Musical Company went to see Moulin Rouge on Broadway.

Students enrolled in Masterpieces of Drama and Musical Theatre English class, seniors in the Aspire program, and members of the High School Musical Company went to see Moulin Rouge on Broadway. Students had some time during the day to sightsee, shop, visit the Museum of Broadway, and the Drama Bookshop, where some met Lin-Manuel Miranda. […]

Shen High School’s choral ensemble Bella Voce traveled to Bristol, Connecticut to perform for an adjudication. The students received the highest rating, “Superior”, and spent the day celebrating at Lake Compounce Amusement Park. 

First and third grade reading buddies enjoy books and time together decorating the entrance with welcoming messages. 

First and third grade reading buddies enjoy books and time together decorating the entrance with welcoming messages.  (Featuring Mrs. Lagowski’s and Mrs. Kniss’ classes)

Four 8th grade students from each of the three middle schools were recognized for their leadership at the School Administrators Association of NYS (SAANYS) Region 6 Student Leadership Breakfast at The Vistas at VanPatten Golf Course in Clinton Park.

Four 8th grade students from each of the three middle schools were recognized for their leadership at the School Administrators Association of NYS (SAANYS) Region 6 Student Leadership Breakfast at The Vistas at VanPatten Golf Course in Clinton Park.

Peter H. Reynolds visited Skano &Tesago for a Create Bravely Family Night. This was the first stop on his district-supported visit for elementary students. He reminded everyone that creativity fuels everything!

Peter H. Reynolds visited Skano & Tesago for a Create Bravely Family Night. This was the first stop on his district-supported visit for elementary students. He reminded everyone that creativity fuels everything!

Shen partnered with CAPTAIN Community Human Services (CHS) CAPteens program and and Saratoga County STOP DWI to be a part of UNITE’s Arrive Alive Tour.

Distracted Driving Event Shen partnered with CAPTAIN Community Human Services (CHS) CAPteens program and and Saratoga County STOP DWI to be a part of UNITE’s Arrive Alive Tour. This tour brought a high-tech simulator to campus that allowed participants to experience what it would be like to drive distracted or under the influence. This driving simulator […]