Tag: Home Slider
Students in Mr. Treacy and Mrs. Patrie’s class complete a fun science investigation.
Students in Mr. Treacy and Mrs. Patrie’s class complete a fun science investigation.
16 business students attended the FBLA Fall District Meeting at Bryant Stratton. Students had the opportunity to attend professional workshops and network with business students from other local schools.
16 business students attended the FBLA Fall District Meeting at Bryant Stratton. Students had the opportunity to attend professional workshops and network with business students from other local schools. See Mrs. Mellon at HSE if you’re interested in joining Shen business clubs FBLA and DECA.
Wall Raising Day with the High School Construction Technology Systems Class!
Wall Raising Day with the High School Construction Technology Systems Class!
Shatekon’s first graders visited Arts & Glass for a fun and creative Fall painting experience!
Shatekon’s first graders visited Arts & Glass for a fun and creative Fall painting experience!
Skano first graders learn programming with hands-on robotics during a 4H presentation on Ozobots.
Skano first graders learn programming with hands-on robotics during a 4H presentation on Ozobots.
Students in College Digital Electronics practiced soldering skills.
Students in College Digital Electronics practicing soldering skills.
Acadia’s mentor group met and decorated pumpkins!
The mentor program is made up of Acadia staff and students. Students in the program are matched one on one with an adult. Adults and students meet once a week to spend some time together, talk, eat lunch, take a walk, play a game, etc. Once a month, all adults and students are invited to […]
Book buddies in Mrs. Connors’ third grade class and Mrs. Sansone’s first grade read books about spiders and worked together to complete a spider math craft.
Book buddies in Mrs. Connors’ third grade class and Mrs. Sansone’s first grade read books about spiders and worked together to complete a spider math craft.
Okte’s Best Buddies participated in the Table or Treat event this weekend. They made slime, had pumpkin volcano eruptions and trick or treated through the hallways!
Okte’s Best Buddies participated in the Table or Treat event this weekend. They made slime, had pumpkin volcano eruptions and trick or treated through the hallways!