Tag: Home Slider
Mrs. Rupert and Tessie are twinning by wearing their favorite sports team for Arongen’s Spirit Day.
Mrs. Rupert and Tessie are twinning by wearing their favorite sports team for Arongen’s Spirit Day.
Students in 8th grade Technology had a unique opportunity for their first project. Each 8th grade technology student sanded wood blanks and LASER cut a personal ruler to use throughout the year. Pictured here are some of the students designing, engraving, and using their rulers.
Students in 8th grade Technology had a unique opportunity for their first project. Each 8th grade technology student sanded wood blanks and LASER cut a personal ruler to use throughout the year. Pictured here are some of the students designing, engraving, and using their ruler s.
Ms. Gerstenberger’s first mystery reader at Tesago was really mysterious!
Ms. Gerstenberger’s first mystery reader at Tesago was really mysterious!
Skano fourth graders create roller coasters to experiment with distance and height.
Skano fourth graders create roller coasters to experiment with distance and height.
Skano 2nd graders take a field trip to Ellms Farm.
Skano 2nd graders take a field trip to Ellms Farm.
Both Varsity and JV Girls Volleyball won the Championship of their home Tournament!
Both Varsity and JV Girls Volleyball won the Championship of their home Tournament!
Congrats to Charlotte Kennedy, her story, “Dog” was picked by Tammy Robinson, Managing Editor of Skribbler’s Magazine to be read at 7th annual Albany Book Festival. Charlotte entered her story as part of a fourth-grade unit on poetry taught in the library during the 2023-2024 school year.
Congrats to Charlotte Kennedy, her story, “Dog” was picked by Tammy Robinson, Managing Editor of Skribbler’s Magazine to be read at 7th annual Albany Book Festival. Charlotte entered her story as part of a fourth-grade unit on poetry taught in the library during the 2023-2024 school year.
Students in Mrs. Symonds’ 1st Grade Class at Arongen Elementary learned about fire safety from our local fire department.
Students in Mrs. Symonds’ 1st Grade Class at Arongen Elementary learned about fire safety from our local fire department.
Orenda Personal Space Hula Hoop Contest Finalists!
Orenda Personal Space Hula Hoop Contest Finalists!