Tag: Koda Slider

Koda 7th Grader, Ratnottama is one of the NASA 2024 Calendar Contest winners. Her artwork will be printed in NASA’s 2024 Calendar.

Koda 7th Grader, Ratnottama is one of the NASA 2024 Calendar Contest winners. Her artwork will be printed in NASA’s 2024 Calendar. Below is the link for their website and her artwork.== https://www.nasa.gov/commercial-crew-artwork-contest/

Kayla Xu, Koda 6th grader, performed in the Northeast Ballet’s Annual Performance of The Nutcracker Ballet at Proctor’s Theatre in the role of Clara.

Kayla Xu, Koda 6th grader, performed in the Northeast Ballet’s Annual Performance of The Nutcracker Ballet at Proctor’s Theatre in the role of Clara.  

Amazing Holiday Tri-building 6th and 7th grade chorale concerts.

Amazing Holiday Tri-building 6th and 7th grade chorale concerts.

Students in Mr. Antonacci’s General Music 7 classes learn about music and sound in film.

Students in Mr. Antonacci’s General Music 7 classes learn about music and sound in film. Students chose film trailers and then recreated the dialogue through Automated Dialog Replacement, sound effects using Foley sound, and created music to match the moods of their scenes.  

Shen teams performed incredibly at the Hudson Valley Youth Robotics Shenedehowa FIRST Lego League Challenge qualifier (read more!).

Shen teams performed incredibly at the Hudson Valley Youth Robotics Shenedehowa FIRST Lego League Challenge qualifier. The “Execute File.Win” team took first place in Robot Design and our “File Not Found” team took the Champion award. “File Not Found” also took first place in the robot game while the “CaptiBytes” took second in the robot […]

Koda 7th grade students in Mrs. Sophia Delamar’s Social Studies Classes engaged in a lesson on Indigenous People’s Day in the Acadia Library.

Koda 7th grade students in Mrs. Sophia Delamar’s Social Studies Classes engaged in a lesson on Indigenous People’s Day in the Acadia Library.

Social Studies students participated in a simulated archaeological dig in the Koda Courtyard.

Social Studies students participated in a simulated archaeological dig in the Koda Courtyard.  

Ms. St. John’s 6th grade classes acted as archeologists to discover how they excavate to uncover mysteries about people who lived in the past. 

Ms. St. John’s 6th grade classes acted as archeologists to discover how they excavate to uncover mysteries about people who lived in the past. They excavated cookies with toothpicks and tweezers by carefully chipping away at the dirt (cookie) to slowly reveal any hidden artifacts (chocolate chips). They were surprised how slow and careful the process was.     

Koda 8th grade students in English class take part in an escape room activity.

Koda 8th grade students in English class. This was an Escape Room group station activity based on Shen’s Academic Integrity (plagiarism) policy.  Each team of students had to complete a task and bring it up to Mrs. Fear to get checked. If they were correct, they moved onto the next “room.”  Once they got to the […]

Ms. McCarthy’s Honors Class utilizes the new future ready furniture to have students work collaboratively.

Ms. McCarthy’s Honors Class utilizes the new future ready furniture to have students work collaboratively.