Come and Test Drive a Bus!
When: March 26, 2022
Time: 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
Where: Shenendehowa Central Schools Transportation Department (on the Shen Campus) 970 Rte. 146 Clifton Park, NY 12065
If you ever thought about driving a school bus but were afraid to try it – here’s your opportunity!
The Shenendehowa Central Schools Transportation Department, a nationally recognized quality organization, a 2017 Larson Quality Award recipient, will conduct a “Test Drive a School Bus” for prospective school bus drivers. Our trained staff will allow prospective applicants, with valid driver’s license, to drive a school bus – supervised – around the Shen Campus!
Those who are interested should contact the Transportation Department at 518-881-0240 or email mayfjudy@shenschools.org no later than close of business Wednesday March 23, 2022 to let us know that you want to participate.
Copies of job applications will be available for pickup after the demonstration is complete. So come join us and let’s go for a ride!